Pastor Chris Parker
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True Worship
Genesis 21 reveals true worship through Abraham and Sarah’s response to God’s fulfilled promise. God gave them Isaac in their old age, and they named him “laughter,” recognizing the joy and grace God brought into their lives (Genesis 21:6, KJV). Abraham’s obedience in circumcising Isaac on the eighth day further demonstrated worship through commitment to God’s commands (Genesis 21:4).

by Pastor Chris Parker

Psalm 91
Psalm 91 is a powerful declaration of God’s protection and care for those who trust in Him. The psalm describes the safety and refuge found in dwelling in the presence of the Almighty. It emphasizes that God shields His people from dangers, both seen and unseen, including disease, disaster, and spiritual attacks.

The Boldness of Peter and John – Acts 3:1-9
In this passage, Peter and John encounter a beggar asking for alms. Instead of money, Peter offers him something far more valuable—healing in the name of Jesus. The man is miraculously healed, and he enters the temple walking, leaping, and praising God, drawing the attention and amazement of all who saw him.

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