Why Did God Allow Sin?
Why Did God Allow Sin? Could He Not Have Prevented It? He could have, but chose not to. Why? Several suggestions have been offered along this line.
Why Did God Allow Sin? Could He Not Have Prevented It? He could have, but chose not to. Why? Several suggestions have been offered along this line.
In Daniel 12:4, we find two key prophetic signs: the rapid increase in global mobility and the explosion of knowledge. Today, unprecedented advancements in transportation and technology reflect these signs, pointing us toward the unfolding tribulation and God’s prophetic timeline.
The 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel 9 is a powerful testament to God’s control over history and His plan for redemption through Jesus Christ. As I delve into this profound prophecy, drawing insights from Bible teachers like Harry Ironside and J. Vernon McGee, I explore its significance for both Israel and the future. From the precise timeline of the Messiah’s coming to the unfolding of end-time events, this study reveals the hope we have in God’s perfect timing and His unwavering faithfulness.
James 1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all…